Thursday, February 18, 2010

Amelia Lorenzo

Roll to Me, Del Amitri

"Roll to Me" was a song written by Justin Currie, the lead vocals and bass of the band Del Amitri, in 1995. Del Amitri was a band that formed in Glasgow, Scotland in 1982 by Currie and guitarist Ian Harvie, and it consisted of multiple guitarists and drummers for the 20 years it lasted. "Roll to Me" was released on their album Twisted, and it hit the top 10 singles on the US Hot 100 songs list in 1995. This song is upbeat with a mix of pop, rock, and a little bit of country, and the lyrics are very catchy.

I chose this song because of its meaning. The whole song revolves around a guy telling a girl that if she's having a bad day or if something's going wrong, she can always "roll to him," and he can help her out and make her feel better. I think everyone has those days where they wish they had a shoulder to lean on and someone who was willing to listen to what was bothering them. I know I certainly have, and I always appreciate when my friends are willing to listen. I also connect to the idea of being the person someone else can roll to. I like listening to my friends and offering advice, or just simply company, when they're having a bad day and knowing that I can make them feel better. This song reminds me that I'll always have someone to roll to if I'm having a bad day and that I should always be open to have my friends roll to me if they ever need anything.

1 comment:

  1. Amelia,

    It has been such a long time since I've heard this song! I seem to remember it being on a soundtrack of some sort. Interestingly enough, I did some poking around on the internet and it seems as if there is some contention as to whether or not the song was done by the Spin Doctors. In any case, its definitely got that mid-90s sound...bringing me back!

    I think you have made an interesting observation in noting that the song samples from across different genres, though it does seem firmly situated in pop. I had no idea that this band was from Glasgow, which adds another layer to the various influences present in the song.

    It seems from your in-class writing and this response that you are strongly compelled to feel good songs. What other types of songs do you like?

    Looking forward to what's next from you,

