Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Royal Tenenbaums - Sam Kirby

I can't really pick a favorite movie, but I decided to talk about one of the four or five or so that's tied for first on my list, The Royal Tenenbaums. Wes Anderson is probably my favorite director because of the way he forces viewers to pay attention to all the visual nuances of cinema as well as the way in which he combines quirky characters and odd story lines to create a plot that somehow still feels real. The Royal Tenenbaums is a story about a comically dysfunctional family that is trying to get back together after many years of not being involved with one another. The father has been away after he and the mother became separated and he returns wanting to reunite his family. His way back into their hearts is to pretend he has cancer, but just as they seem destined to fall apart forever his shenanigans are able to bring them back together.

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