Friday, April 9, 2010


My favorite movie of all time is Almost Famous. Not only do I adore the soundtrack and have a huge crush on the main character, but I completely connect with the message of the movie. The first fifteen times I saw the movie, I just enjoyed the storyline and incredible song selection; but once I had seen it enough to memorize almost every line, the main message hit me. It’s about becoming who you are, without forcing it; letting things happen, good and bad, in order to shape and mold your identity. William Miller, only 15 years old, is invited to tour with the members of Stillwater in order to interview the guitarist, Russell Hammond, for a Rolling Stones article. However, Stillwater has a different agenda. This was the perfect opportunity for William to experience life in the most outrageous and extraordinary ways. While on tour, he fell in love, lost his virginity, partied with his heroes, and grew up. I love this movie because it teaches me how to sit back and let life and all its crazy adventures just happen because it’s more enjoyable and worthwhile that way. Almost Famous made me realize that I have to be open to life changing opportunities, even if they seem a little crazy, like going on tour with my idols. My favorite line of the movie is from Russell’s lover, the infamous Penny Lane: “Never take it seriously, you never get hurt. Never get hurt, you can always have fun. And if you ever get lonely, you just go to the record store and visit all your friends.”

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